Woman's Guild

The Woman’s Guild is a fellowship of women and girls in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. Its main objective is to unite women and girls of the Church in dedicating their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, and service. According to the On-Line dictionary, a ‘Guild’ is an association of persons with the same trade or pursuits, formed to protect mutual interests and maintain standards. Another definition describes a ‘Guild’ as a society of persons aiming to help one another and forward common interests, such as trade and social welfare.


Membership is open to all committed Christian women and girls aged 20-55 who are active communicant members of the Church, have good character, and agree to abide by this constitution. Those above 55 can join as ‘friends of the Woman’s Guild’ but cannot be commissioned.

Roles of the Woman's Guild

– Preach the Good News of Jesus Christ and win souls for Christ.

– Visit the sick, orphans, and elderly in homes for the aged.

– Provide food and clothing to street children.

– Contribute to the needs of the poor around them.

– Hold prayer and fellowship meetings for mutual education and spiritual growth.

– Collaborate with other church groups for church growth.

– Organize courses for women, youth, and other groups.

"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."